Daily Check In

2018-19 Daily Check In for World History

Check here daily for the details on the past class and assignments that are due prior to our next class meeting.

Thursday/Friday May 30 - 31 - Second Semester Exam. 

Thursday May 23 - Reviewed civilian contributions to the war effort and the D-Day Invasion. Test Chapter 16.  Assignment: Prepare for 2nd Semester Exam (Chapters 7-16).   Remember that there are links to Quizlet stacks located on the class website.

Tuesday May 21 - Covered details about upcoming exam week. Saturday Night Live Skit (World War 2 - 101). Discussed with video, the ending and consequences of WW2.  Assignment: Prepare for Chapter 16 test next class. 

Friday May 17 - Open question period over the reading assignment.  Reviewed World War 2 using Kahoot. Stopped to talk about concepts and facts where we struggled to remember our reading. Reviewed and discussed World War 2: A Photo Essay,  Searched the National Archives for photos related to World War 2. Discussed Japanese Holdouts: Soldiers that did not know the war ended and remained loyal to the emperor.  Assignment: Complete reading the remainder of Chapter 16.  The test over World War 2 will take place on Thursday May 23.

Wednesday May 15 - Worked for about 25 minutes on reading, answering questions, and completing the assigned SQ3R for 16.1 and 16.2.  Created a very limited timeline for the events of World War 2 between the signing of the German-Russian nonaggression pact and the Battle of Stalingrad. Completed the 16.1 check up.  Collected these items for grade: SQ3R for 16.1 and 16.2.  Section review questions 16.1 and 16.2. Chapter 16.1 check up.  Assignment: Watch this brief video World War 2: A Short Documentary.   Read carefully 16.3 and 16.4.   Be prepared to answer a few questions on each section. *Hint* - Crack questions.

Monday May 13 - Brief review of key vocabulary for Chapter 15.  Test over Chapter 15.  Some students were able to get a start on the Chapter 16.1 SQ3R.  Assignment: You must have completed an SQ3R for both 16.1 and 16.2 prior to class on Wednesday.

Thursday May 9 - Current Events.  A list of current events vocabulary terms was shared with you via Google Drive. Took a deep look at Axis Aggression prior to WW2. Handed in the homework assignment. Took a nine question quiz over 15.4. Assignment: Prepare for a test on Chapter 15 for next class.

Tuesday May 7 - Open questions over 15.2, 15.3, and 15.4.   Specifically defined fascism and watched a brief video about military boot camp. Watched and discussed key ideas from the video: World War II in Colour: The Gathering Storm.  First period completed to the 40:13 mark. 4th period to the 38:25 mark.  Began taking notes on acts of Axis aggression prior to Sept. 1, 1939.  Assignment: Create a list of Axis aggressive events described in 15.4.  We will be testing on chapter 15 on Monday May 15.  

Friday May 3 - Open question period over anything in 15.2 or 15.3.   Reviewed the concepts of coalitions, majority, minority, and plurality.  Examined the political, economic, and social situation in Germany 1919-1933.  Briefly watched a video on the Rise of Hitler and Franklin Roosevelt. Quiz over 15.2 and explained why Germans chose to be Nazis.  Assignment: Read carefully 15.4. 

Wed. May 1 - Open question period over anything unclear from 15.1.  Quiz over 15.1. Photo Identification of key people in 1920s, 30s, and 40s along with a couple of people active in current events. Read 15.2 and discussed in detail the problems of early democracies in war torn Europe.  Explained coalitions, majority, minority, and plurality. Examined key causes of the Great Depression and looked at some photos and video of living conditions during the time.  Assignment: Watch the video on the class website about the rise of totalitarian dictatorships after World War 1. Read very very carefully 15.3.   Be able to answer the 15.3 review questions at the beginning of next class.

Mon. Apr. 29 - Silent Reading for ten minutes.  Built personal quizlet stacks with vocabulary for 15.1 and 15.2.  Linked vocabulary stacks to the class table located on the class website front page. Worked through the audio that applies to Chapter 15.1.  Looked at some surrealist art, cubism, and Charlie Chaplin (The Mirror Maze). Assignment: Review the vocabulary and main ideas.  There will be a quiz over 15.1 at the beginning of next class.

Thurs. Apr. 25 - Open question period regarding any concerns on 14.3. Checked homework assignment on 14.3. Listened and studied 14.4.  Completed 14.4 Check Up. Big group completed 14.4 assessment. NCD* Total Success!  Assignment: Read 15.1 and 15.2.  Be prepared to answer a few questions about the vocabulary terms from those two sections.

Tues. Apr. 23 - 1st period reviewed 14.1 and 14.2. 4th period reviewed 14.1 and 14.2 and ended up staying since there was little memory of the material.  1st period read 14.3 and discussed the rise of the Communist forces led by Mao.  We read about the implementation of Mao's programs. Assignment: Read carefully 14.3 and complete the answers to 14.3 Check up.

Thurs. Apr. 18 - Current Events (NPR) (no written summaries). Buddy studied with SQ3R's from 14.1 and 14.2.  Think-Pair-Share with your buddy using the section check up questions for 14.1 and 14.2.  Miss Jackson will supply the official "correct answer" after you and your partner come up with your answer. Quizlet work on Chapter 14.  Link to the stack is located under Links for Today's Class on the class website.  Assignment: None. Please enjoy the three day weekend.

Tues. Apr. 16 - Read and broke into details the material in 13.4.  Test over Chapter 13. Began working on 14.1 and 14.2. Assignment: Complete an SQ3R for 14.1 and 14.2.

Fri. Apr. 12 - Open question period over key ideas related to World War 1.  Due to AIR testing for English, we watched The Lost Battalion to 48:54.  If you would like to finish the video, there is a link on the main class page.  Assignment: Prepare for you World War 1 Test that will be given next class.

Wed. Apr. 10 - Current Events (NPR), Reviewed Causes and effects of World War 1. Requizzed over the causes/geography/and alliances of WW1. Read as a big group most of 13.3. Assignment: Finish reading chapter 13 to understand.  Study carefully the material in chapter 13 and the World War 1 vocabulary.  There will be a test next class meeting.

Mon. Apr. 8 - Reviewed causes of WW1. Quizzed over the causes/geography/alliances in WW1. Major amounts of work on WW1 vocabulary. Examined conditions of trench warfare on the western front. Assignment: Continue to work on Quizlet- WW 1. Assignment: Read carefully to understand 13.3.

Thurs. Apr. 4 - Reviewed the causes of World War 1.  Reviewed geographic features (peninsulas and islands). Created a T-chart with the different sides involved in World War 1.  Assignment: Prepare for a quiz over the causes, the geographic locations of Scandinavia, Jutland, Iberian, Italian, and Balkan Peninsula. Should be able to locate the islands of Great Britain and Erie. You should be able to identify the two sides that fought in World War 1 and specifically which countries were on each side. If you haven't read 13.1 and 13.2. you should.

Tues. Apr. 2 - Current events discussion (NPR), 4 M*A*I*N Causes of WW1 video,  World War I Oversimplified (part 1) video, Took notes from video, Watched World War Oversimplified (part 2), took notes from the video. Assignment: Read and take notes over 13.1 and 13.2.  You pick the note format.

Thursday February 21 through Sunday March 31 -  Mr. Cox Missing in Action due to a medical condition.

Wed. Feb. 20 - Linked  Chapter 8  vocabulary. Practiced learn and took a practice test. Worked on and linked History Maker Ch 8 to the class table. Finished with NPR current events if time permitted. Assignment: Practice chapter 8 vocabulary if you scored less than 90% on the practice test.

Wednesday Feb. 13 - Graded check ups for 7.1-7.5.  Tested over Chapter 7 French Revolution and Napoleon.  Quizlet and Chapter 7-A form. Created our own Quizlet stacks using the vocabulary from Chapter 8.  Assignment:  Those who did not have Chapter 7 check ups must have them completed at the start of our next class or no credit or late work will be accepted.  Please have completed the vocabulary terms in Quizlet for Chapter 8.

No School - Tuesday February 12 - Ice storm

2 Hour Delay - Monday February 11 - Snow and Ice

Friday Feb. 8 - Current Events (NPR) - Reviewed the French Revolution from Conditions of Discontent through Napoleon's coup d'e'tat . Watched how the guillotine works and the Lady Gaga French Revolution videos. Asked students to complete all the Chapter 7 review and have it available prior to taking the test scheduled for Tuesday.  If work is not completed prior to class you will have until the start of class Thursday.  If not completed by that point you will earn a zero on the homework and the test. Assignment: Complete Chapter 7 check ups 7.1-7.2-7.3-7.4-and 7.5 prior to next class. Be prepared for the Chapter 7 test to be given in our next class meeting.

Wednesday Feb. 6 - Current Events (NPR). 4th per. visitor from Air National Guard, Samantha Barker. 1st period, questions about nuns, priests, monks, laymen.  Worked on reading skills and endurance using the Napoleon Bonaparte Brief Biography.  Worked on 7.1 Check-in questions and submitted those 8 questions before the end of the class. Assignment: Complete 7.2  and 7.3 Check-in questions before entering our next class meeting.

Monday Feb. 4 - Pre-assessed Vocabulary for Chapter 7. Worked on Learn Chapter 7, Matching Chapter 7, Interim Assessment for Chapter 7, Quizlet Live Chapter 7.  Read and devised time line of key events.  Assignment: Study Chapter 7 vocabulary.  Add the major items from 7.2 to your timeline built today.

No School - Wednesday February 1 - Teacher Inservice Day

No School - Wednesday January 30 and Thursday January 31

Fierce Cold - windchill -43

Monday Jan. 28 - Current events with NPR audio only. Read Chapter 7.1 and looked at specific political, economic and social conditions of general discontent. Took Vocabulary Quiz began to work on Quizlet flashcards for Chapter 7.  Assignment: Complete flashcards for Chapter 7.  You must be logged into Quizlet to complete your work.  All Quizlet work must be completed prior to our next class beginning.   Be prepared for a vocabulary quiz on Ch. 7.2.

Thursday Jan. 24 - Introduced French Revolution Concepts.  Introduced key vocabulary 7.1.  Assignment: Prepare for an eight question vocabulary quiz from 7.1. 

No School - Wednesday January 23 - Snow and Ice

No School - Monday January 21 - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

End of First Semester


Wednesday Jan. 16 / Thursday Jan. 17  - First Semester Exam.  Assignment: Read carefully Chapter 7.1 and take some handwritten notes as you read.  You may choose SQ3R or any other method of note taking.  Be prepared to answer a few questions on the reading. Watch both of these very short videos: French Revolution in a Nutshell and Origins of the French Revolution (lots of advertisements at the beginning of this one sorry....) 

Monday Jan. 14 - Wrote three suggested exam questions from chapters 1-6, answered, page number included. SQ3R review: first solo and then with study buddy. Map review of Northern, Western, and Southern Europe. Assignment: Prepare for semester exam.  First Period Gray = Wednesday, 4th Period Gray = Thursday.

Thursday Jan. 10 - Introduced selves and an Enlightenment contributors.  Viewed a video clip on the enlightenment and broke down the various VIPs of the era.  Took notes on a google doc. From the video. Assignment:  Complete the video from the point where the class ended. Complete the flashcards and learn portions of the Enlightenment 6.2-6.4 Quizlet.   OBVIOUSLY YOU NEED TO BE REVIEWING AND PREPARING FOR THE SEMESTER EXAM.

Tuesday Jan. 8 - Walked through exam schedule and procedure on exam days. Announced upcoming study sessions for the exam. Briefly discussed current events and the government shut down.  Surveyed 6.1 and worked on Scientific Revolution Quizlet Vocabulary flash cards and learning components. Assignment:  Complete the learn activity for 6.1 - Scientific Revolution Quizlet.  Build a History Makers Instructions with two people discussed in the Quizlet or from the textbook for 6.1 for next class.

December 22 - January 6 - No School - Winter Break

Friday Dec. 21 - Chatted about Scientific Revolution in Chapter 6.1. Collected SQ3R for 6.1 . Workded on the Giving Lists 2018-19Assignment: None.   Enjoy your winter break and come back rested to work in 2019.

Wednesday Dec. 19 - Reviewed key vocabulary. Test over Rise of Nation-states and Absolute Monarchs.  Worked briefly on a SQ3R for 6.1.  Assignment: You must complete the SQ3R for 6.1 for next class.

Monday Dec. 17 - Reviewed Spain, France, Central Europe, and Russia becoming nation-states and absolute monarchies. Made chronological order event graphic organizers for each. Improved reading endurance (six minutes). Collected Contrasting Russia and Western Europe table. 4th period was able to work on European Bodies of Water Geography.  Assignment: Prepare for test over Chapter 5.1 through 5.4 along with the study guides from the Historically Speaking videos.  This is a major event.

Thursday Dec. 13 - Rediscovered how to better utilize the online textbook by converting it to a .pdf . Worked on reading endurance. Reviewed some grammar tips for writing sentences. Worked on map skills using "Europe After the Thirty Years War".  Compared and contrasted Frederick the Great of Prussia and Marie Theresa of Austria.  Looked for patterns of how the Prussian Emperor consolidated power. Briefly discussed Elizabeth I. First period was able to work briefly on European Bodies of Water Geography. Assignment: Read carefully 5.4 and complete this table on Contrasting Russia and Western Europe.  Print out your final product and bring it to class.  It is also good to understand that there will be a test on Wednesday Dec. 19 over the Historically Speaking videos and Chapter 5 sections 1 through 4.

Tuesday Dec. 11 - Current Events Reading Period, Sharing ideas from the reading.  Reviewed characteristics of a nation-state. Completed vocabulary work on p. 168. Peer review of vocabulary.  Assignment: Watch these two brief videos on Elizabeth I.   #1 Elizabeth I  and #2 Elizabeth I. Be prepared to discuss and write on Elizabeth Tudor.

Friday Dec. 7 - Announcements, Freshman class officer voting, open questions on Historically Speaking, Completed Historically Speaking, 14 question quiz on France.  Assignment: None.

Wednesday Dec. 5 - Work session on History Makers.  Cleaned up grammar and formatting issues. Reviewed characteristics of a nation-state. Cleaned up any missing answers from the video guide on Historically Speaking France. Almost completed Historically Speaking France in first period and are just about 60% done in 4th period.  Assignment:  YOU MUST HAVE YOUR HISTORY MAKERS ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  It would also be wise to review your video guide.

Monday Dec. 3 - Work session on History Makers.  Checked progress for grade. Began and consumed the first 10 minutes of Historically Speaking France.  Assignment:  Have two of your three people completely finished on the History Makers assignment.  It would also be wise to review your notes from Historically Speaking France as there will be a brief quiz over the first questions on the study guide.

Thursday Nov. 29 - Open question period over Spain becoming a nation-state. 10 question quiz. Worked on Northern and Western European geography.  Took a quiz over each region.  Began work on History Makers.  Assignment: Work on your History Makers Google Slide.  You do not have to complete it, but there should be clear evidence that you are making some progress toward completion.

Tuesday Nov. 27 - Finished Historically Speaking.  Examined the meaning of Spain becoming a city-state.  Looked for examples of Spanish Art using the works of El Greco and Velasquez.  First period Gray class completed questions 1-5 on page 161 and turned them in as daily work.   Assignment: Study the questions on the Historically Speaking Spain study guide.  There will be a ten question quiz next class. 

November 21-23 - No School - Thanksgiving Break

Tuesday Nov. 20 - Current Events (NPR).  Specifically related the current news stories to the concepts of a nation-state. Historically Speaking Spain. Assignment: None other than to be thankful for your family and friends.

Friday Nov. 16 - Historically Speaking Spain. - Heavy review on the characteristics of a nation-state. Quiz over characteristics of a nation-state and nationalism.  Assignment: Review notes from Historically Speaking.

Thursday November 15 - No School Due to Ice and Snow

Tuesday Nov. 13 - Worked on Chapter 5 vocabulary with Quizlet.  Began Historically Speaking Spain. Quiz over Chapter 5 vocabulary. Assignment:  Study the first ten questions that were completed on the Historically Speaking Spain worksheet, as there will be a quiz next class meeting.  It would also be good to keep practicing your Chapter 5 Quizlet terms until you can score 80% higher regularly.

Friday Nov. 9 - Worked to complete SQ3R for 5.1 in class.  Reviewed key vocabulary from 5.1.  Learned about and wrote down the four characteristics of a nation-state.   Worked briefly on European Geography.  Assignment: Be prepared for a four question quiz over the four characteristics of a nation state. Come ready to learn at our next class about the rise of nation-states.

Wednesday Nov. 7 - Current Events Audio of NPR newscast. Briefly chatted about election results from last night's midterm election. Test over Chapter 4 - The Atlantic World. Assignment: Complete an SQ3R over 5.1 for next class.  Be prepared to watch some video next class period.

Friday Nov. 2 -  Very brief open question session. Quiz over the Columbian exchange. Worked hard on Chapter 4 vocabulary with Quizlet. Worked with Quizlet live to pick up a few extra credit points. Finished with 15 minutes of Seterra Geography practice. Assignment: Prepare for chapter 4 test that will take place next class.

Wednesday Oct. 31 - Listened to current events. Completed a five question round robin over section 4.3. Began working on the Columbian Exchange video.  First period reached the 4:11 mark and 4th period reached the 3:59 mark.  Assignment: Finish watching and taking notes over the Columbian Exchange.  Notes will serve as your evidence that you completed the assignment.   You should also plan on a quiz over Chapter 4 section 4 and the Columbian Exchange video.   It will be about ten questions.

Monday Oct. 29 - Listened twice to current events (NPR). Completed a five question Whip It Around based on the current events audio.  Worked on finishing video notes that were for homework. VERY FEW completed prior to coming to class. Graded the homework video notes. Read aloud in Chapter 4.3.  Assignment: Complete five simple true false statements based on Chapter 4.3 and bring them to the start of class.

Tuesday Oct. 23 - Listened to current events (NPR). Learned about foreign offices and consulates. Learned about Tunnels and Bridges (specifically Detroit to Windsor Tunnel, and the Mackinaw Bridge). Spent some time working on Geography at the Sheppard site. Did a Quick Write on How Spain built and empire.  Study skills work on the Power of 15 and summarized.  Assignment: Watch each of the two videos and take written notes that will be graded next class meeting.  The Columbian Exchange #23 and The Atlantic Slave Trade #24.

Friday Oct. 19 - Reviewed How Spain Built an Empire.  Put together a simple graphic organizer during 5th period. Reviewed Primary and Secondary sources about Columbus and his legacy. Reviewed vocabulary.  Assignment: Read carefully to understand and remember Chapter 4.1.

Wednesday Oct. 17 - Checked out textbooks.  Table of Contents, Atlas, Authors, and Contributors. Read silently Chapter 4 section 1.  Emphasis on "How the Spanish Built an Empire".  Assessed knowledge gained on Columbus' voyages, Conquest of Aztecs and Incas, Impact of Spanish colonization, and the Resistance of Indigenous Peoples against Spanish rule.  Assignment: Work on studying Chapter 4 Quizlet.

Monday Oct. 15 - Brief review period and open questions.  Test over Chapter 3.  Assignment: Survey all of Chapter 4.   SQ3R for 4.1 is due next class period.

Wednesday Oct. 10 - Geography Practice for about 20 minutes.  Worked on the countries of Europe and the 50 states of the United States.  Worked hard on SQ3R for 3.2 and 3.3.  Collected the 3.1 Check Up assignment.   Assignment: Study and prepare for a test on chapter 3.  Quizlet Chapter 3 and your SQ3R notes should be studied.  Watch this brief video on Kabuki theatre. There will be a extended response on this video on the test.

Monday Oct. 8 - Study Buddy on 3.1 and some time on vocabulary from Chapter 3. Walked through each of the SQ3R questions.  1st period worked on some basic geography of continents and oceans.  4th period worked on canals and how to avoid sailing around South America.   Assignment: Complete all questions on the 3.1 Check Up.  Begin work on SQ3R for 3.2 and 3.3.

Thurs. Oct. 4 - Completed SQ3R for 3.1. Worked on Vocabulary Flashcards, Learn, and Matching for Quizlet Ch. 3.  Quiz over fundamentals of European Exploration.  Assignment: If you haven't completed Flashcards and Learn for Quizlet Ch. 3 , you must do so before class begins on Monday.

Tues. Oct. 2 - NPR current events. Brief discussion over locations of the stories in the news.  Read about half of 3.1 and discussed motives to explore and some of the issues that the explorers had to overcome. Watched a clip of mountain climbers on Mount Everest.  Explored spices briefly.  Assignment: Study the Chapter 3 Quizlet and count on a quiz next class meeting.

Fri. Sept. 28 - Buddy Study 2.1-2.3 SQ3Rs.  Test #2 - Muslim World Expands.  Assignment: Survey Chapter 3 section 1 on European Expansion. Enjoy the Homecoming Dance.

Wed. Sept. 26 - Major amount of work done on Chapter 2 Quizlet Vocabulary.  Quizlet test, Quizlet Learn, Quizlet Match, and for a bold few Quizlet Gravity.  Quizlet live for extra credit. Worked on 2.1-2.3 study guides.  Assignment: Make great use of Chapter 2 Quizlet, SQ3R for 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3.  You also have the study guides to prepare for a test on Chapter 2 next class.

Mon. Sept. 24 - Reviewed SQ3R.  Worked diligently on 2.2 and 2.3 SQ3R. Assignment: Complete all SQ3Rs for Chapter 2.  Section 1 has 11 Questions, Section 2 has 11 Questions, and Section 3 has 15 Questions.  Complete studying the flash cards on Quizlet for chapter 2. Be certain to log in to Quizlet so that your work will be recorded.  

Thurs. Sept. 20 - NPR written summaries of two stories. Summaries must include who, what, when, where, and why it is important.  In the  textbook read Chapter 2 section 2 out loud.  After the reading is completed, Complete Chapter 2 section 2 section review questions and the section 2 review questions.  

Assignment: Explain to them that they are complete an SQ3R on section 2.3 to be graded next class.

Tues. Sept. 18 - Learned about SQ3R note taking technique.  Broke down Survey, Question writing, Reading Goals, and Recitation.  Assignment: Complete an SQ3R for Chapter 2 section 1 before arriving to next class.

Thurs. Sept. 13 - Brief Quizlet stack study session.  Test over Renaissance and Reformation.  Assignment: Check out chapter 2 sections 1 and 2 for next class.  Definitely know the vocabulary for 2.1 and 2.2.

Tues. Sept. 11 - Reading and Writing Activity on Remembering Sept. 11, 2001. Reviewed Renaissance and Reformation Quizlet stack. Worked on a chapter 1 check in preparation for next class' test. Assignment: Prepare for test over Renaissance and Reformation.

Fri, Sept. 7 -

Wed. Sept. 5 - 15 minute current events reading period. Whip it Around Big Group. Notes and discussion over the definition and causes of the Protestant Reformation.  Examined the lives and deaths of early Reformation leaders in first period and began reading about round robin. Assignment: Write 6 multiple choice questions based on information in Chapter 1 sections 3 and 4.  Each question should have four choices.  Make an answer key on the back of your answer sheet that we designed in class.  You will also have a ten question quiz over the material covered in class on the Reformation's definition and the items related to the causes of the Protestant Reformation.

Monday September 3 - Labor Day

No School

Fri. Aug. 31 - Finished up any issues with Wednesday's assignment in 4th period.  Completed a Current events assignment in period 1 and used Whip It Around to discuss various current events. Completed a quiz on chapter 1.1 and 1.2.  Learned a little bit about Google Earth.  Assignment: No assignment for the Labor Day Weekend other that to enjoy and make positive memories with your families. 

Wed. Aug. 29 - Current Events Warm Up with NPR notes, Explanation of the various news stories. Created Google Drive World History Folder and walked through how to set up and share a document. Answered questions on p. 43 (Ch 1 sec.1).  Assignment: On Page 50 of the online text, define the three vocabulary terms and answer questions 3,4,5, and 8 on a Google Doc and share your work with ccox. Find a piece of art from a northern renaissance artist and insert it after the questions you answered for section 2.

Mon. Aug. 27 - Brief lecture/question period over the transition from Middle Ages to Renaissance. Learned about the plague and "ring around the rosy".   In-Depth discussion of the five characteristics of the Renaissance. Read Chapter 1 section 1. Explained Features of the Renaissance Activity and began working. Assignment: Read carefully Chapter 1 section 2 and be prepared to answer a few questions over 1.1 and 1.2.  We will continue to work on the Renaissance Features activity in our next class

Thurs. Aug. 23 - Opening Day Procedures. Completed the information survey. Read and analyzed World History Hello and Rules to Help You in Room 127. Covered key features of world history. Explained the three eras of history, ancient history, middle ages, and modern history.  Logged into the online textbook and explored some of the features available.  Assignment:  Enjoy your weekend.